Donner Music dans l’Éducation
Donner Music helps launch new musical adventures at Joe Hall Elementary School


With the start of the 2022 school year, Donner Music has partnered with Joe Hall Elementary School in Miami, Florida in a special project to support his music program.

Guitars for students

It all started over the summer when Donner had the immense good fortune of meeting Walter Rodrigues, an incredible musician and music teacher from Miami. With over 20 years of teaching experience in the school system, Donner Music has found the perfect partner in Walter, as they both share the same passion and vision for the importance and benefits of music. in the upbringing and development of children.


It is in this context that Donner Music donated 40 musical instruments to Joe Hall Elementary School (30 mini Tri-Pop guitars and 10 violins). Walter found Tri-Pop guitars to be the perfect instrument to introduce "little hands" to the guitar world. Since the Tri-Pop has only 3 strings (same tuning as the top 3 strings of a regular Mi La D guitar), children can play notes and chords much easier and faster compared to a 6 string guitar.

mini guitars for kids

Besides their cool and eye-catching design, the Tri-Pops come in three different colors: red, light green and blue, which makes them very attractive and fun to play with. In the video below, students play a sequence of "1-finger chords" learned during a 60-minute lesson session.



The children are very happy with this new instrument, they learn to play songs quickly with simple chords. Here's what they say:

Donner Music provides tri-pop mini guitars for children

"I like the Tri-Pop guitar because it's colorful and has good tone and notes." -A.P.
"I love the Tri-Pop guitar because it has fewer strings and a smooth sound." - M.R.
"I like the Tri-Pop guitar because it's colorful and only has 3 strings." – J.D.


Guitar Lessons for Kids

Three-string Tri-Pop guitars are perfect for kids who have never tried a guitar before. For children who already have experience with small guitars or ukuleles, there are more versatile guitars that meet more advanced learning needs and small performances. See more guitars for beginners.

And meanwhile, Walter has agreed to share his step-by-step Tri-Pop guitar lesson with us. There she is.
Tri-pop guitar lesson #1
Pair Walter Rodrigues


Target : Students from CP to CM2 (7 to 10 years old)
Lesson duration: 
60 Min.
Objective : 
Have students play a one-finger chord sequence correctly and apply it to a song.
Step 1 : 
Learn the different parts of the guitar and the names of open chords (5 min)
2nd step : 
Guitar hold position (5min)
Step 3: 
Placement of the left hand (5min)
Step 4: 
Position of the fingers (5 min)
Step 5: 
Learn to strum the strings in a certain sequence (5 min)
Step 6: 
Practicing assigned chords/chord names (15min)
Step 7: 
Play the chord progression / 4 strums (string strumming) per chord / G, Gmaj7, Em, C (G, Gmaj7, EMinor, C) (10min)
Step 8: 
Apply the sequence to songs with a I - IV chord progression (e.g. "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors) – (10min)


free guitar lessons for kids

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